Online School Teaching Reflection

 Teaching practice is a period that a student teacher spends teaching at a school as part of his or her training.It is also a part of B.Ed Curriculum.Due to this COVID 19 pandemic, this teaching practice was on online mode.The platform was Google Meet.

Objective of teaching practice:

To  expose  student-teachers  to  real  life classroom  experiences  under  the   supervision of professional teachers.

To provide  the  forum for  student-teacher   to  translate  educational  theories  and   principles into practice.

To  enable  student-teachers  discover   their  own  strengths  and  weaknesses  in   classroom  teaching  and  provide   opportunities  to  enable  them  address   their  weaknesses  and  enrich  their   strengths.

To familiarise student-teachers  with  real   school  environment  as  their  future  work   place.

 To  provide  student-teachers  with  an   opportunity  for  further  acquisition  of   professional  skills,  competencies,   personal  characteristics  and  experience   for full-time teaching after graduation.

To  help  student-teachers  develop  a   positive  attitude  towards  the  teaching .

For teaching practice I had got SKV VH S S, THRIKKANNAMANGAL. The class I got for teaching practice was 9th standard. The chapter I taught them include POLYNOMIALS and CIRCLE MEASURES for class 9.

It was a different experience to take classes in an online mode. Even though it was difficult to take a class in online mode, students actively participated in the class. Even after the class, students clarified their doubts through WhatsApp, phone calls and also even after the classes.

The classes was held for them from 27 Januray to 4 February.

        I conducted the diagnostic test on 2nd February 2021 and identified the difficult areas. On 13th February 2021, I conducted an achievement test.


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