Gandhi Jayanthi Celebration

  In the backdrop of the materialistic culture that dominates our world, Gandhi’s idea of simple living and strong faith in the power of truth and nonviolence can be the guiding light for a generation, which more often seems to get diverted from the road of values and ethics. One of the greatest lessons we learn from Mahatma Gandhi was his deep faith in the goodness of every individual and his unflinching belief that humanity is proceeding towards well-being. His strong belief in humanity is reflected as, “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” A deep understanding of the Mahatma’s Cosmo centric approach to human beings are needed more than ever before to ensure contemporary society is able to find sustainable solutions to the ever-increasing problem of biodiversity conservation and greed.


Our college organized the Gandhi Jayanti celebration on 2nd October commenced by 10am. Sri.M Gopalakrishnan, teaching staff of Govt.HSS sadanandapuram was the guest. Sir gave us a beautiful speech about Gandhian views and ideologies. Then we had different competitions like Malayalam recitation, Documentary presentation, Malayalam elocution, and Quiz. I got tjird prize in the Documentary presentation. Thanks to Aby Sleebachan for accompanying in the competition by giving her own voice to the background of the documentary. Congratulations and Jubilations to all those who gave a good account of themselves in the competitions. 


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